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Impact of Cutting Alfalfa in the Fall

Alfalfa regrowth. Photo credit: Barry Yaremcio

The objective of any plant is to produce seed to ensure the longevity of the species in a forage stand.

If cut at the bud to flowering stage, alfalfa plants will regrow to produce a new flush of growth. During regrowth, root food reserves are used to initiate new growth. When alfalfa plants grow to a height of 8 to 10 inches, the new growth supplies enough nutrients to become self sufficient. This can take between 30 and 45 days depending on growing conditions. At this time, nutrients are moved to the roots to promote new root growth and build food reserves to survive the winter and to initiate plant growth next spring. 


Alfalfa is a plant that is sensitive to a reduction in daylight hours or photoperiod. When daylight hours drop below 12 hours, growth rates slow and eventually go dormant in preparation for the winter season. Alfalfa needs to recover from the previous harvest and replenish food reserves. Taking a second or third cut should not occur within 30 to 45 days prior to a good frost.  It is better to wait for a couple killing/hard frosts before cutting even if that is in mid-September. The alfalfa will be dormant and will not regenerate growth.


Winter injury is caused by many factors. An older stand is more prone to loss than a new stand. Partly due to soil fertility, but also diseases such as crown rot. Cutting very close to the ground increases plant losses due to crown injury. A lack of snow, dry soil conditions, and large swings in temperature can also cause losses. Ice sheets caused by winter snow melt causes issues.


Environmental factors are outside of our control. Using good management practices to maintain the alfalfa stand health and reducing late season stress can minimize winter losses. This in turn will extend the productivity and lifespan of the stand.


For more information on when to cut an alfalfa stand in the fall, contact Barry at 403-741-6032 or

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